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New Charity T-shirt collection to tackle loneliness

Now extended until 26th July 2024

No one should have no one. Over 3.8 million people in the UK were reported as chronically lonely in 2023, a staggering statistic*.

Loneliness Awareness Week, a national campaign between 10th and 16th June is highlighting the issue of loneliness and how it impacts our mental and physical health. It also encourages and empowers everyone to make connections to help us feel happier.

To mark the first day of Loneliness Awareness Week, b:friend is launching a new limited edition charity T-shirt collection in collaboration with Print Social, with unique artwork by independent designers. The T-shirt campaign will run from 10th June until 26th July and 100% of the artists’ profits will go to b:friend to support our work.

By purchasing these T-shirts, you will help b:friend tackle loneliness and create more friendships for older neighbours in the community through one-to-one befriending and social clubs.

Find out more about our artists:

Design by Kaitlin Brito

I’m Kaitlin Brito, an Illustrator/designer who loves to create work that makes people smile! I was thrilled to create a shirt with b:friend again, and this time, challenging stereotypes about our older friends. You are cool at any age, and don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise!

Design by Liberty Ewan

Liberty Ewan AKA Orange Juice For Dinner is a British illustrator based in the UK. Using inspo for the everyday and the small joys of life, Liberty creates a world full of colour and comfort. ‘Life Is Better When We’re Together’ is a design based on the feeling you get when you’re surrounded by the people who you love and are most important, and that even when things seem bad, things will be alright when you’ve got people by your side.

Design by Kathryn Brammall

Kathryn is an illustrator, English teacher and artist living and working in Hokkaido, Japan. She loves the goofy things in life and has cultivated a joy-centred practice.

About the piece:

“Look around you and see the possibilities in your community! We are surrounded by potential friends – let b:friend help you find your next buddy, or help someone find their new pal by sporting this friendly t-shirt.”

(* Data published by Campaign to End Loneliness in The State of Loneliness 2023: ONS data on loneliness in Britain, 2023)

Photos by Rob Caddy Photo