Simon Moxon

Simon Moxon

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Simon Moxon

I am an entrepreneur with extensive experience in the IT industry. Born in Doncaster, I am the founder and CEO of, a software platform that enables charities to reduce loneliness and isolation by establishing connections and building communities remotely. I have over two decades of experience as the founder and CEO of Meetupcall, a reputable and affordable conference call provider. Prior to these ventures, I held key positions such as Network Manager at Case IH and Global IT Manager at thebigword, where in 2005 I spearheaded the development of an automated telephone interpreting system that continues to services an £80m UK government contract for interpreting.

After becoming aware of b:friend in 2019 and observing the great work they do in South Yorkshire to address loneliness, I was pleased to be able to join the board of trustees and contribute to the future plans of b:friend.