
Donate to b:friend & help end loneliness

b:friend is a charity registered in the UK with registered Charity Number 1171148.

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Scroll down to see how your donation can make a difference.

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When you give money to a charity you want to know it's

Spent the right way

The £1 Breakdown 

Whether you’re climbing mountains, baking cakes, or making a regular donation, b:friend are committed to getting maximum value for each and every pound. 

£ 0

Befriending pairings

£ 0

Social Clubs

£ 0

DBS Checks

£ 0

Running Costs


We provide Tea, Coffee and Refreshments for a social club.


Recruits a new befriender to be paired with an isolated older neighbour.


£50 will pay for a trip for an older neighbour to a museum or a nature reserve.


£100 will help maintain a 1:1 friendship for a year.

One-off donations.

Let's end loneliness together,

Your help is greatly appreciated

Any donation we receive can make such a difference

Regular donations.

Let's end loneliness together,

Your help is greatly appreciated

Any donation we receive can make such a difference


We provide Tea, Coffee and Refreshments for a social club.


Recruits a new befriender to be paired with an isolated older neighbour.


£50 will pay for a trip for an older neighbour to a museum or a nature reserve.


£100 will help maintain a 1:1 friendship for a year.