Corporate Partnership
Support b:friend and tackle loneliness
in your local community
Our charity is keen to work with like-minded organisations and co-create meaningful partnerships to support our older neighbours and build stronger communities.
Email to request our Corporate Brochure and find out how your organisation can make a difference with b:friend.
What we can offer
corporate supporters?
Meaningful ways to use employee volunteering hours, give back and connect with your local community
Staff engagement and team building through volunteering opportunities and events
Exposure through dedicated social media posts with a combined reach of over 8,000 followers across platforms
We will provide content such as case studies, photos, and blog post on the support we receive
Where the
money goes?
We are a small charity making a big impact. It costs £350,000 a year for us to support over 1,000 older neighbours in South Yorkshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. That means for £350 we can provide an older neighbour with a weekly social connection for a whole year.
Your support will make a massive difference to the lives of vulnerable and isolated older people.
could pay up to 30 new befrienders to receive important training on key issues including Safeguarding, Lone Working and Health & Safety in the Home
could pay for resources and refreshments for a weekly community Social Club for a year
could offer weekly support to 10 isolated older neighbours and their befrienders for a year
What our corporate partners have to say
I learnt about b:friend after seeing a video about them at a charity event. It was immediately clear what an amazing organisation they are and what a fantastic and necessary service they provide.
As soon as I mentioned the charity to colleagues in our office, we were all keen to support b:friend as much as we could. This year we were able to have them as our fundraising partner for our charity quiz, and we have also been able to assist with some pro-bono legal advice. We hope to keep working with them as much as we can in the future.
Mark Pipkin, Partner at Eversheds Sutherland
Our team voted b:friend as our charity of the year for 2022/2023. It’s been an amazing opportunity for us to not only raise money for such a great local cause, but our team have also been able to give their time and come together with local elderly neighbours to support b:friend in their mission to end loneliness amongst the elderly in our community. Having a sense of belonging is a core part of our culture at Strata, and b:friend is an organisation that does just that amongst the loneliest group in our community.
Olivia Frost, Head of People and Culture & Wellbeing Champion at Strata
Celebrating the spirit of community, Dyce Energy is honoured to join hands with b:friend, an organisation dedicated to alleviating loneliness among older adults. We chose to partner with b:friend as we wanted to support a charity in our local area, we chose a range of different local charities and put this to a staff vote as we wanted to select a cause our staff could get behind.
Our partnership with b:friend resonates deeply with our values, as we believe in the transformative power of human connection. Together, we aspire to brighten countless lives by sharing laughter, stories and companionship with those who may feel isolated.
Carl Fisher, Managing Director at Dyce Energy
Our corporate
b:friend is lucky to have worked with fantastic supporters over the years who provided vital funds to help combat loneliness and social isolation.
For full details of our partner organisations, see our latest audited annual accounts.